Earl Twombly started hunting, training, breeding and showing English Setters in 1925 in Waterbury, VT. His most notable dogs were CH “Joe Silver” in 1930, “Duke of Decoverly” in the 40s, “Cider“, Corey Ford’s beloved setter in the 50s, and “Tober“, Cider’s son in the 60s along with Earl’s own CH “Chief“. All…
Twombly Setters
OFA Hips & Elbows, NOPI. Young pups weighed daily, monitored for appropriate growth & development. Males average 55 - 65 lbs. Classic, strong, foot-hunting English Setters with bird sense, good looks, and tail-wagging personalities, in the tradition of Legh's grandfather, Earl Twombly. MORE ABOUT US... Hunting and training in Lowell, VT and Madison, FL (winter) 802 233-1926, website email on FaceBook at Twombly Setters
While we are promoting Twombly Setters, as Earl Twombly mirrored George Ryman in Waterbury, VT, we are very happy that there is a site and resource for everyone interested in quality, upstanding, and healthy English Setters. Thank you! Legh and Jenn Higgins