It is clear that is an idea whose time has come. Once the word gets out this will be the destination of all discerning buyers and all knowledgable breeders of these wonderful dogs.
Walt Cottrell
Contributing Member My first English setter was a rescue in 1972. I didn't know he was a Ryman type until I was formally introduced to them by Walt Saling. Along the way there have been seven others, three of which are with me now. My wife and I have whelped some 35 pups, sometimes for others, and sent them to their new homes. Professionally, I was a wildlife biologist between 1975 and 1981, and have been a veterinarian since 1985; now a wildlife veterinarian these last 10 years. I have written a column on canine health for The Upland Almanac since it's inception 18 years ago. My dogs and I hunt ruffed grouse and woodcock here in New England, prairie grouse in the west every year we can, and occasionally quail. These wonderful dogs are still teaching me and I am still learning.
Health Screening for Hunting English Setters Like any canine, English setter health can be affected by many diseases or conditions. We have chosen to describe the four conditions on this site for 2 reasons: first, they directly affect soundness and ability to perform in the field. Dogs with these conditions are unfit for…