We have been enjoying the past few days visiting with Lisa and Cliff Weiss of October Setters. I have had setters for 45 years but have known few breeders as dedicated and knowledgeable as they. We were fortunate to breed our Sally to their lovely Heath and hopefully will be welcoming puppies in…
Firelight Setters
This morning I was awake at 5:00. By choice. Couldn’t stop thinking about what else I need to get ready and load into the RV . In two days we leave for our annual trek to Montana and will get our hunting season started. Our time in Montana is the highlight of our…
Welcome everyone to RymanSetters.com! It is exciting to see a concept become a reality. Hang in there with us as we all learn our way around here. I’m probably not alone in getting a bit confused sometimes with the computer-website. But fortunately there are folks here (Lisa and Cliff!) who are amazing…
Ryman-Types are Wild Bird Hunting English Setters Rymans stand apart from other types of English setters because they were developed as, and have always been, wild bird specialists. George Ryman proved and evaluated his dogs while actually hunting wild birds. The type has been kept alive until today by breeders who did the…