I’m delighted to be a part of this group and excited about the interest generated among setter breeders to carry on the high standards of the Ryman-Type setter.
Welcome everyone to RymanSetters.com! It is exciting to see a concept become a reality. Hang in there with us as we all learn our way around here. I’m probably not alone in getting a bit confused sometimes with the computer-website. But fortunately there are folks here (Lisa and Cliff!) who are amazing…
Our fall litter, whelped September 1 out of October Mountain River and Pinecoble Josephine. Dam and sire are proven on wild birds. The several important Ryman type dogs in this litter’s pedigree suggests a great opportunity. Click on our name above for contact information.
It is clear that rymansetters.com is an idea whose time has come. Once the word gets out this will be the destination of all discerning buyers and all knowledgable breeders of these wonderful dogs.
We are thrilled to be a part of RymanSetters.com, and can’t wait to see what the future brings. Cliff and Lisa
RymanSetters.com is a group of breeders dedicated to the future of the Ryman-type foot hunting English setter. RymanSetters.com was founded to ensure a future for the Ryman-type setter. We are avid hunters who appreciate the classic appearance and unique personality of these setters. Our main objective is to maintain their wild bird handling…
Ryman-Types are Wild Bird Hunting English Setters Rymans stand apart from other types of English setters because they were developed as, and have always been, wild bird specialists. George Ryman proved and evaluated his dogs while actually hunting wild birds. The type has been kept alive until today by breeders who did the…